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Report from the UBCM and FNS Community-to-Community Conference: Resolving Conflict & Pursuing Joint Opportunities

The Union of BC Municipalities and the FNS hosted a third province-wide Community-to- Community Forum...

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Presentation by The First Nations Summit to the Federal Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs

Presentation by the First Nations Summit to the Federal Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs regarding...

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First Nations Summit Presentation Re: Bill C-6 — Proposed Specific Claims Resolution Act

Presented to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Because of...

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First Nations Summit Statement on the Treaty Negotiation Process

This important meeting of the First Nations Summit Chiefs, the Premier and the British Columbia...

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"Improving the Treaty Process": Report of the Tripartite Working Group

In its 2001 annual report, “Looking Back, Looking Forward”, the Treaty Commission took a hard...

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First Nations Summit Views on the Provincial Treaty Referendum

Shortly after being elected, Premier Gordon Campbell indicated that the provincial government intended to honour...

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First Nations Summit Views on the BC Treaty Making Process

First Nations currently engaged in the British Columbia treaty making process view negotiation, rather than...

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Edward John's speech to the Canadian Labour Congress

The labour movement in this country has been a friend of First Nations. There has...

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First Nations Summit Statement on the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Delgamuukw

The Supreme Court of Canada’s recent decision in Delgamuukw confirms what we have been saying...

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First Nations Tourism Accord: Statement of Mutual Support and Cooperation, signed by the First Nations Summit and the Council of Tourism Associations

British Columbia has an emerging world class tourism industry and is blessed with a diversity...

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Interim Measures: Getting the Treaty Process Back on Track

On September 19, 1996, Premier Clark and the First Nations Summit Task Group signed an...

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The Report of the British Columbia Claims Task Force

We are pleased to present the report of the British Columbia Claims Task Force. The...

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