Our People

First Nations Summit Political Executive

The First Nations Summit Task Group are the Political Executive of the First Nations Summit. The FNS Political Executive members are elected and authorized by Summit Chiefs in Assembly to carry out specifically-mandated tasks on issues related to treaty negotiations. The FNS Political Executive members elected by the FNS Chiefs at the June 2022 Assembly are effective until June 2025.

First Nations Summit Co-Chairs

The First Nations Summit Co-Chairs are the Executive Members responsible for the administration of the First Nations Summit. The Co-Chairs are elected and authorized to carry out specifically-mandated tasks on issues related to treaty negotiations. They are responsible to oversee FNS Assemblies and the administrative arm of the Summit. The First Nations Summit Co-Chairs were elected by FNS Chiefs in the June 2022 Assembly, effective until June 2025.

First Nations Summit Staff

Howard Grant

Executive Director

Musqueam Indian Band


Colin Braker

Communications Director

Tseshaht - Nuu-chah-nulth Nation


Marilyn Teneese

Executive Assistant

?akisq̓nuk - Ktunaxa Nation


Debra Hanuse

Senior Policy Analyst

'Na̱mg̱is Nation


Lea Pascua

Accounting Tech


Marilyn Kelly

Administrative Assistant

Musqueam Indian Band


Grace McRae

Records & Information Management Coordinator


Harmony Bjarnason

Climate and Environment Policy Analyst


Dawn Russell

Emergency Management Policy Analyst & Coordinator (FNLC)

SnPink’tn (Penticton Indian Band) - Okanagan Nation


Joy Rowe (On leave)

Records & Information Management Coordinator

Currently on long-term leave