Additional Information

First Nations Summit Meeting Agendas

All requests for agenda time at First Nations Summit meetings must be made in writing at least one month in advance of scheduled First Nations Summit meeting dates. Please send requests to the First Nations Summit Executive Director Howard E. Grant via email to hgrant(at) or by fax to (604) 926 9923. In your requests please include the following information: Subject matter; length of time requested; presenter/speaker; any audio/video requirements.

First Nations Summit meeting agendas are developed at least two weeks prior to a Summit meeting date and it is difficult to allow late requests due to time constraints. Your cooperation is appreciated in this regard.

Once agenda time is confirmed, presenters are expected to provide any handout materials to the First Nations Summit office at least ten days in advance for inclusion in a Summit meeting kit, or to bring 50 copies for distribution at the meeting site. Copies brought to the meeting are to be delivered to the First Nations Summit staff at the Registration table. Presenters must also confirm prior to a Summit meeting any audio/visual requirements.

Side-Room Meeting Space During First Nations Summit Meetings

Limited meeting space may be available in side-rooms during First Nations Summit meetings, depending on the meeting venue. Please contact Marilyn Kelly in advance of meeting dates via email at mkelly(at) or fax to (604) 926 9923 to request meeting space during First Nations Summit meetings. At Summit meetings, Marilyn Kelly may be found at the Registration table.

Information tables at First Nations Summit Meetings

Limited space may be available for information tables at First Nations Summit meetings, depending on the meeting venue. Requests must be made in writing at least four weeks prior to meeting dates. Please contact Marilyn Kelly in advance of meeting dates via email at mkelly(at) or fax to (604) 926 9923 to request an information table during First Nations Summit meetings