First Nations Summit disappointed with Federal Throne Speech

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – The First Nations Summit notes the weak signal that the federal...

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First Nations Summit comments on the Provincial Budget

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – The challenge facing the government in releasing its 2006/07 budget and...

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First Nations Leadership Council seeks Partnership with new Prime Minister

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/ Vancouver, B.C. – The First Nations Leadership Council is looking to...

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First Nations Leadership unites against regressive Conservative Party agenda

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/ Vancouver, B . C . – First Nations Leadership in BC...

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Assembly of First Nations Election analysis

As the election campaign heads into the final days, the platforms of the parties are...

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BC First Nations Leadership Council urges Stephen Harper to clarify Conservative party's position on First Nations issues

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/ Vancouver, B.C. – First Nations Leaders in BC are deeply concerned...

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A Second Message regarding the Federal Election from the Leadership Council

The First Nations Leadership Council strongly encourages all First Nations voters who are eligible to...

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A Message regarding the Federal Election from the Leadership Council

The Federal Election is on January 23, 2005, and the First Nations Leadership Council strongly...

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BC First Nations Leadership Council concerned over pre-election Conservative rhetoric

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/ Vancouver, BC – First Nations Leadership in BC are very concerned...

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An Open Letter from the First Nations Summit to Steven Harper, Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe

Coast Salish Territory (West Vancouver) — The First Nations Summit today released the attached letter...

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First Nations Leadership Council commends BC government for creation of new Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation

(Chilliwack, BC) – Leaders of the First Nations Leadership Council commend Premier Campbell for his...

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First Nations Summit Seeks Commitment from all Federal Parties to Make Aboriginal Issues a Priority

(North Vancouver, BC) Leaders of the First Nations Summit congratulated Prime Minister Paul Martin and...

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