An Open Letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty: First Nations Summit Dismayed by Federal Budget 2007

COAST SALISH TERRITORY/VANCOUVER, B.C. – The First Nations Summit is deeply disappointed with the 2007...

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First Nations Summit Elects Jody Wilson and Robert Phillips Commissioners of the British Columbia Treaty Commission

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – First Nations leaders who were gathered in North Vancouver this week...

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BC First Nations Leadership Council welcomes the appointment of Mr. Justice William H. Davies to lead inquiry into the death of Frank Paul

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, BC – The B.C. Assembly of First Nations, First Nations Summit, and...

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First Nations Leadership Council mourns the loss of respected Dakelh Elder-Statesman Harry Pierre

Coast Salish Territory/West Vancouver – The First Nations Leadership Council is deeply saddened by the...

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First Nations Leadership Council joins other Indigenous Peoples in accusing Canada of violating the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver, BC – The First Nations Leadership Council has sent a submission...

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First Nations Summit pleased with commitments in Speech from the Throne

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/West Vancouver, BC — The First Nations Summit is pleased with the...

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First Nations Summit welcomes independent report on forestry agreements with the provincial government

COAST SALISH TERRITORY/VANCOUVER, B.C. – The First Nations Summit is pleased by today’s release of...

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First Nations Leadership Council welcomes Independent Body on Specific Claims

Coast Salish Territory (Vancouver, BC) – The First Nations Leadership Council is cautiously optimistic regarding...

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First Nations Leadership Council, Canada and British Columbia sign historic Tripartite First Nations Health Plan

VANCOUVER – The Honourable Tony Clement, federal Minister of Health, Premier Gordon Campbell of British...

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First Nations Summit welcomes the appointment of a new Environment Minister with its own message on the Environment

COAST SALISH TERRITORY/VANCOUVER, B.C. – The First Nations Summit welcomes Honourable John Baird as the...

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First Nations Seek Government-to-Government Input into BC Energy Plan

Coast Salish Territory/West Vancouver, BC – The First Nations Summit is concerned that the British...

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First Nations Summit calls for an apology for Residential School Survivors: Open Letter to Prime Minister Harper

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, BC – The First Nations Summit is pleased with the rulings by...

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