First Nations respond to startling Canada and BC Auditor General Reports on Aboriginal Child Protection Services

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/West Vancouver, B.C. –The First Nations Summit acknowledges the startling findings and...

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First Nations Summit expects any Metro Vancouver Board court action to fail

(Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver, BC) — The First Nations Summit is perplexed and appalled by...

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First Nations Summit urges provincial government to immediately adopt and implement recommendations contained in the Representative for Children and Youth child death investigation report

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – The First Nations Summit commends Mary Ellen Turpel- Lafond, the independent...

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First Nations Summit publicly releases letter to Minister Strahl and issues statement on the jailing of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Chief and Council

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/West Vancouver – Given the seriousness of the situation that is occurring...

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Crown’s decision to have Commissioner’s ruling reviewed in Frank Paul Inquiry must be reversed to maintain trust

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/West Vancouver – In order to maintain trust in the Frank Paul...

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First Nations Summit congratulates Musqueam for community ratification of important agreement

(Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver, BC) — The First Nations Summit congratulates the Chief, Council and...

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First Nations commend Canada and BC for rejecting the Kemess North mine

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver –First Nations leaders expressed relief that Canada and British Columbia are...

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First Nations Summit welcomes appointment of Dave Haggard to BC Treaty Commissio

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – The First Nations Summit is welcoming today’s appointment of Dave Haggard...

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Forests Are Not the Crown’s to Sell: Privatization Proposals Would Create Chaos, Not Certainty

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – The industrial privatization of BC Forests through outright sales or long-term...

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It’s Time for Ottawa to Take Mountain Pine Beetle Crisis Seriously

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – The First Nations Leadership Council applauds Premier Gordon Campbell’s commitment to...

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First Nations Chiefs unite to give rise to Indigenous Child at the Centre Action Plan

Coast Salish Territory/ North Vancouver –First Nations Chiefs from across B.C. gathered at the Chief...

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First Nations mining summit set for October in Prince George

Dakelh Traditional Territory/Prince George, B.C. – The Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, Kaska Tribal Council, Taku...

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