First Nations Leadership Council concerned about Federal Cabinet Shuffle and New Direction in Relationship

The First Nations Leadership Council is deeply concerned that the recent shuffle in the federal Liberal cabinet...

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On Monday Dec.10, the Representative for Children and Youth released the report Alone and Afraid:...

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Treaty Principals sign Accord to transform treaty negotiations in British Columbia

The Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia, and the First Nations Summit (the...

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B.C. government, First Nations will share gaming revenue, co-develop legislation to implement UN declaration

COAST SALISH TERRITORIES/VANCOUVER – B.C. First Nations will share in provincial gaming revenue to support...

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Negotiation and implementation of modern-day treaty agreements leading the way in reconciliation and Indigenous rights recognition

 Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – First Nations Summit (FNS) leaders were in Vancouver today for the...

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BC First Nations call on Canada and BC for immediate action to restore and protect wild salmon populations

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver: BC First Nations gathered last week at the Wild Salmon Summit...

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BC’s most vulnerable sure to pay the highest price following provincial government approval of increases to rental rates

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, BC — The First Nations Summit (FNS) is voicing concern regarding a...

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Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is Crucial to Canada’s Commitments to Reconciliation: Open Letter to All Senators

Our Nations and organizations urge all Senators to support Bill C-262, a private members bill...

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Federal Court of Appeal decision a clear victory for all Indigenous communities in BC

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver, BC — The First Nations Summit is applauding today’s Federal Court of...

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BC First Nations being devastated by Wildfire Season of 2018, immediate resources needed

Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver:  BC First Nations leaders are calling on the federal and provincial...

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FNLC Statement on contracted Residential agencies for Children and Youth in Care

The First Nations Leadership Council is outraged at the continued risk that Indigenous youth in...

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First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) statement on BILL 26 (2018) – Child, Family and Community Service Amendment Act

Yesterday the Government of BC introduced amendments to the CFCSA in Bill C-26. These amendments...

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