Canada, British Columbia and the First Nations Leadership Council sign Reconciliation Charter committing to the care of First Nations children and youth

The health and well-being of Indigenous children is a top priority for the Government of...

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RCY Releases Damning Report Delegated Aboriginal Agencies: How resourcing affects service delivery

(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver) On March 30, 2017, the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) submitted...

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System failed Alex Gervais; RCY report recommendations must be implemented

Coast Salish Territory, Vancouver, British Columbia – Leaders of the First Nations Summit (FNS) are...

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First Nations Summit encouraged by Provincial Budget commitments on Children and Families

Coast Salish Territory, Vancouver, British Columbia – Leaders of the First Nations Summit (FNS) are...

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Recent death of aged-out young woman in Surrey a signal that immediate policy changes required

Coast Salish Territory, Vancouver, British Columbia – Leaders of the First Nations Summit (FNS) are...

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Recommendations for province on Final Report of S.A on Aboriginal Child Welfare

Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver – First Nations Summit (FNS) leaders were in Vancouver today for the...

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First Nations Resolute they will Reform Indigenous Child Welfare in BC

Coast Salish Territory (Vancouver, BC) – First Nations leadership and child-serving organizations gathered over the...

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Province Ignores First Nations on Children and Families

(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver) The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) condemns the Province’s unilateral announcement today...

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First Nations Leadership Council Supports Paige’s Story Report

(COAST SALISH TRADITIONALTERRITORY / VANCOUVER – May 14, 2015) – The BC Assembly of First...

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First Nations Leadership Council Strongly Supports RCY Report Condemning Wide-Ranging and Biased Plecas Review

(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver) Senior First Nations leadership in BC are thanking Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond, BC’s...

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BC First Nations Applaud Canadian Human Rights Tribunal: Federal Government must take immediate action to address inequalities in First Nations Child and Family Funding

Coast Salish Traditional Territory (Vancouver) – First Nations Summit leaders are applauding today’s decision by...

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An Open Letter from the First Nations Leadership Council to Premier Christy Clark regarding the release of the Plecas Report

FIRST NATIONS LEADERSHIP COUNCIL For Immediate release: December 14, 2015 An Open Letter from the...

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