First Nations Summit congratulates AFN National Chief Perry Bellegarde on his re-election

The First Nations Summit (FNS) Executive congratulates Perry Bellegarde on his re-election as National Chief...

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FNLC Statement on contracted Residential agencies for Children and Youth in Care

The First Nations Leadership Council is outraged at the continued risk that Indigenous youth in...

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First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) statement on BILL 26 (2018) – Child, Family and Community Service Amendment Act

Yesterday the Government of BC introduced amendments to the CFCSA in Bill C-26. These amendments...

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UBC Opens Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre (IRSHDC) and Offers Statement of Apology Related to the Indian Residential School System

UBC President Santa J. Ono delivered a statement of apology for the university’s involvement in...

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Comments by BC Liberal MLA Mike Morris show clear lack of understanding

The First Nations Summit is astounded and disappointed by the clear lack of understanding shown...

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First Nations Summit applauds announcement of new Indigenous Framework by Trudeau Government

The First Nations Summit welcomes and applauds today’s announcement by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to...

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Stanley verdict reveals deep chasm in Canada’s Justice System

The First Nations Summit is echoing the call for an examination and overhaul of Canada’s...

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BC First Nations Leadership Council applauds Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Order: Federal government must act

The BC First Nations Leadership Council applauds the fourth legal order issued by the Canadian...

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First Nations Summit acknowledges federal apology to former students of Newfoundland and Labrador residential schools

First Nations Summit Leaders today welcomed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s statement of apology on behalf...

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Canada, British Columbia and the First Nations Leadership Council sign Reconciliation Charter committing to the care of First Nations children and youth

The health and well-being of Indigenous children is a top priority for the Government of...

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RCY Releases Damning Report Delegated Aboriginal Agencies: How resourcing affects service delivery

(Coast Salish Territory/Vancouver) On March 30, 2017, the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) submitted...

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System failed Alex Gervais; RCY report recommendations must be implemented

Coast Salish Territory, Vancouver, British Columbia – Leaders of the First Nations Summit (FNS) are...

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