Treaty Facts
The six stage process is set out in the BC Claims Task Force Report of 1991 and incorporated in the tripartite Treaty Commission Agreement of 1992.
As of September 2001, there are 49 First Nations involved in 40* sets of negotiations, participating in the BC treaty process.
Treaty Tables:
A treaty table refers to a negotiation table at which three parties sit – BC, Canada, and a First Nation(s)
*Number of Treaties Being Negotiated: In some cases more than several First Nations have chosen to sit at a common Treaty Table.
6 Stages of Negotiations:
Stage 1. Filing a Statement of Intent to Negotiate a Treaty
Stage 2. Preparing for Negotiations and Assessing Readiness
Stage 3. Negotiating a Framework Agreement
Stage 4. Negotiating an Agreement in Principle
Stage 5. Negotiating a Final Treaty
Stage 6. Implementing the Treaty
One band is at Stage 5, forty-two bands are at Stage 4, four at Stage 3, and two are at Stage 2
Treaties in BC and Yukon
Total Number of Bands in BC: 197
Number of BC Bands Participating in the BC Treaty Process:: 112
Number of Yukon Bands Participating in the BC Treaty Process: 5
Percentage of BC First Nations Population Represented in the BC Treaty Process: 60%
Treaty Negotiation Support
$186,000,000* – Estimated Total Amount of Treaty Negotiation Support Funding Provided to First Nations in the BC Treaty Process to June, 2001:
$149,000,000* – 80% of Negotiation Support Funding is a loan
$37,000,000* – 20% of Negotiation Support Funding is a contribution
*Figures are approximate
As of September, 2001