The British Columbia Treaty Commission (‘the Commission’) was formed in 1992 by agreement between the governments of Canada, British Columbia and the First Nations Summit (‘the Principals’) and commenced operations in April of 1993. The role of the Commission as defined by the British Columbia Treaty Commission Agreement and the BC Claims Task Force Report is to act as an independent and neutral body to facilitate the negotiation of treaties among the governments of Canada, British Columbia and First Nations in British Columbia. In addition to the facilitation of treaty negotiations, the Commission is also responsible for the allocation of negotiation support funding to First Nations and providing public information and education about the BC treaty process.
Since the Commission has been operating for 10 years, the Principals have agreed that it is timely to review the effectiveness of the Commission. Deloitte & Touche was engaged by the Principals to conduct this effectiveness review of the Commission and all of its activities in the last three years. The objectives of this review are as follows:
To assess the extent to which the Commission has effectively fulfilled its role and performed its duties and functions as outlined in the British Columbia Treaty Commission Agreement and achieved desired outputs and outcomes; and
To determine the extent to which there is a shared sense of purpose and direction, both within the Commission and between the Commission and the Principals.