Coast Salish Traditional Territory/Vancouver – The Assembly of First Nations has unanimously passed a resolution entitled, “Confronting BC Mining Industry’s Kemess North Campaign” at the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly in Ottawa this week. The resolution was passed by the Chiefs in response to the BC mining industry’s mail out of a letter and brochure to all BC mayors, MLA’s, and MP’s in November asking them to write letters to the provincial and federal governments in support of Northgate Minerals’ Kemess North Mine.
Northgate Minerals’ controversial Kemess North Mine project was recently rejected by a joint federal-provincial environmental assessment review panel because it was deemed not to be in the public interest, as it would result in the destruction of Amazay Lake, which is of cultural significance to First Nations in the area.
The Chiefs attending the National AFN meeting resolved to “strongly denounce and oppose” the mining industry’s campaign to disregard the environmental assessment review panel report, and have directed National Chief Phil Fontaine to “seek timely confirmation from the governments of Canada and British Columbia that they reject the BC mining industry’s campaign.” They have also directed the National Chief to contact both BC mining associations to urge them to “cease their campaign” and begin operating on the basis of the existence Aboriginal Title and Rights regarding activities carried out by their memberships on lands subject to Aboriginal Title and Rights.