First Nations are frustrated that, once again, the federal government is dictating how First Nations education should operate without consulting or working cooperatively with First Nations.
First Nations have recently uncovered a new federal government report, developed apparently without meaningful consultation, which proposes new mechanisms for delivering the federal government’s Post‐Secondary Student Support Program (PSSSP) funding. The PSSSP is the main source of financial support for First Nations students across Canada who wish to pursue higher education. (The report: The PostSecondary Student Support Program: An Examination of Alternative Delivery Mechanisms. Alex Usher. Educational Policy Institutes. November, 2009)
While we can agree that it is time for an overhaul of the federal government’s archaic post‐ secondary education policies, any review and reforms must be undertaken in partnership and with detailed consultation with First Nations. Any plan that removes authorities from First Nations is unacceptable.