November 4, 2015
A Great Day for Indigenous People in Canada: First Nations Summit very optimistic following appointment of new Federal Cabinet
Coast Salish Traditional Territory (Vancouver) – Leaders of the First Nations Summit (FNS) congratulated Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following this morning’s announcement of his government’s new Cabinet which includes two indigenous members; former BCAFN Regional Chief Puglaas, Jody Wilson-Raybould (Vancouver- Granville) who was appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and Hunter Tootoo (Nunavut) who was appointed Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian Coastguard.
“This is a very significant day for BC First Nations and all indigenous people across Canada. Prime Minister Trudeau has sent a powerful signal that represents real change and a new relationship with Indigenous people in this country”, said Grand Chief Edward John of the FNS Political Executive. “It’s time to now concentrate on true reconciliation and set aside Canada’s historic approach of fighting and in some cases denying the existence of Indigenous peoples and Nations in the courts”.